Is natural paint more expensive?… and other questions around price!
Is natural paint more expensive? Yes, natural paint is often more expensive than your common big brand paint you would find in your high street DIY shop. There is no doubt that going to all the effort of sourcing sustainable ingredients, and maintaining an ethical and sustainable supply chain [...]
Can I paint over existing paint? Overpainting questions answered!
I've had this question multiple times in the last few weeks... so this may help someone else out who has thought the same thing but not asked. This is for you! Q: Painting over old paints. Can you, should you? A: YES. Yes you can paint over old paints. I’m assuming your [...]
Stone Construction – Is stone construction sustainable?
What is Stone Construction? Stone has been used as a building material for thousands of years. It has long been recognised as a material of great durability and superior artistic quality, the foremost choice for buildings associated with status, power and religion. The pyramids in Giza, burial chambers in [...]
Pollution From Construction – The legacy persists
Pollution From Construction The construction industry is a major source of pollution, responsible for around 4% of particulate emissions, more water pollution incidents than any other industry, and thousands of noise complaints every year. Although construction activities also pollute the soil, the main areas of concern are: air, water [...]
The Impact of Quarrying: Cause and Effect
The Impact of Quarrying Quarrying is necessary to provide much of the materials used in traditional hard flooring, such as granite, limestone, marble, sandstone, slate and even just clay to make ceramic tiles. However, like many other man-made activities, quarrying causes a significant impact on the environment. In particular, [...]
Build Your Own Earthship: the Ultimate Sustainable Home!
Build Your Own Earthship: the Ultimate Sustainable Home! Earthships are growing in popularity around the world and are said to be the ultimate in sustainability – but be warned, they don’t often look like your idea of a typical home! Chances are, if you asked 10 friends to describe [...]
Digging Deep: The Innovative World of Underground Construction
Underground Construction Underground construction has been around for thousands of years, mostly developed through mining and more recently through transport, housing and commercial industries. The Channel Tunnel, London Underground, British Library, and various shopping centres are all examples of underground construction. Underground housing (sometimes called earth sheltered housing) refers [...]
Can paint be too thick?
Yes, paint can indeed be too thick, and this can lead to several issues during both the application process and the drying period. We always suggest water thinning most of our water based paints by 10% or so, it usually always helps! Here's why overly thick paint can be [...]
What is the difference between roman clay and limewash?
Roman clay and limewash are two different materials used for interior wall finishes, each with its unique characteristics and effects: What is Roman Clay? Texture and Appearance of Roman Clay Roman clay is known for its rich, textured appearance. It can be applied in various ways to create a [...]
Can Breathable Paint Prevent Mould?
The Benefits of Using Natural and Breathable Paints and Plasters Mould is a common issue in many homes, (go check for mould if you haven't!) often resulting from trapped moisture, inadequate ventilation, or both. While there is no one-size-fits-all solution to this problem, the use of breathable paints and plasters [...]